diff --git a/documentation/operator-guide/ingestion.rst b/documentation/operator-guide/ingestion.rst
index 58c499494e84f3e8b96f2924dde1952dcd2e6945..9d2bc3a4e1a8a76ec5030f875c02a27d416a513a 100644
--- a/documentation/operator-guide/ingestion.rst
+++ b/documentation/operator-guide/ingestion.rst
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ This section details the data ingestion and later management in the VS.
 Redis queues
-The central synchronization component in the VS is the redis key-value store.
-It provides various queues, which are listened on by the services. For
-operators it provides a high-level interface through wich data products can be
+The central synchronization component in the VS is the ``redis`` key-value store.
+It provides various queues, which the services are listening to. For
+operators it provides a high-level interface through which data products can be
 registered and managed.
 Via the Redis, the ingestion can be triggered and observed. In order to
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ is better to retrieve it for every command instead of relying on a variable:
     docker exec -it $(docker ps -qf "name=<stack-name>_redis")
-For the sake of brevity, the next commands in this chaptere are using either of
+For the sake of brevity, the next commands in this chapter are using either of
 the above techniques and will just print the final commands inside the redis
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ container.
     element is part of a particular group, e.g: being preprocessed, or having
     failed registration.
-    ``Lists`` are used as a task queue. It is possible to add items to eithre
+    ``Lists`` are used as a task queue. It is possible to add items to either
     end of the queue, but by convention items are pushed on the "left" and
     popped from the "right" end of the list resulting in a last-in-first-out
     (LIFO) queue. It is entirely possible to push elements to the "right" end
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ new path of an object to preprocess on the ``preprocess_queue``:
     redis-cli lpush preprocess_queue "/data25/OA/PL00/1.0/00/urn:eop:DOVE:MULTISPECTRAL_4m:20180811_081455_1054_3be7/0001/PL00_DOV_MS_L3A_20180811T081455_20180811T081455_TOU_1234_3be7.DIMA.tar"
 Usually, with a preprocessor service running and no other items in the
-``preprocess_queue`` this value will be immediatly popped from the list and
+``preprocess_queue`` this value will be immediately popped from the list and
 processed. For the sake of demonstration this command would print the contents
 of the ``preprocess_queue``:
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ of the ``preprocess_queue``:
     $ redis-cli lrange preprocess_queue 0 -1
-Now that the product is beeing preprocessed, it should be visible in the
+Now that the product is being preprocessed, it should be visible in the
 ``preprocessing_set``. As the name indicates, this is using the ``Set``
 datatype, thus requiring the ``SMEMBERS`` subcommand to list:
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ Once the preprocessing of the product is finished, the preprocessor will remove
 the currently worked on path from the ``preprocessing_set`` and add it either
 to the ``preprocess-success_set`` or the ``preprocess-failure_set`` depending
 on whether the processing succeeded or not. They can be inspected using the
-same ``SMEMBERS`` subcommand but either name as parameter.
+same ``SMEMBERS`` subcommand with one of set names as a parameter.
 Additionally, upon success, the preprocessor places the same product path on
 the ``register_queue``, where it can be inspected with the following command.
@@ -206,10 +206,10 @@ Collections can be deleted, without affecting the contained products.
     collection, deleting said collections without a replacement can lead to
     service disruptions.
-In certain scenarios it may be useful, to add specific products to or exclude
+In certain scenarios it may be useful to add specific products to or exclude
 them from a collection. For this, the Product identifier needs to be known. To
-find out the Product identifier, either the OpenSearch on an existing
-collection or the CLI command ``id list`` can be used.
+find out the Product identifier, either query of the existing
+collection via OpenSearch or the CLI command ``id list`` can be used.
 When the identifier is obtained, the following management command inserts a
 product into a collection:
diff --git a/documentation/operator-guide/initialization.rst b/documentation/operator-guide/initialization.rst
index 6b1418fb499a3b81e715b92642efea72249d83a5..f9c57a25840686292d454424b65f8fe1367f7883 100644
--- a/documentation/operator-guide/initialization.rst
+++ b/documentation/operator-guide/initialization.rst
@@ -3,39 +3,42 @@
-In order to set up an instance of VS, the ``pvs_starter`` utility is
-recommended. It is distributed as a Python package, easily installed via
+In order to set up an instance of the View Server (VS), the separate
+``pvs_starter`` utility is recommended.
+Running the Initialization
+The ``pvs_starter`` utility is distributed as a Python package and easily
+installed via ``pip``.
 .. code-block:: bash
     pip3 install pvs_starter # TODO: git url
-Now the VS instance can be set up like this:
+Now a new VS instance can be set up like this:
 .. code-block:: bash
     python3 -m pvs_starter.cli config.yaml out/ -f
 This takes the initialization configuration ``config.yaml`` to generate
-the structure in the ``out/`` directory.
+the required structure of a new VS instance in the ``out/`` directory.
+Configuration of the Initialization
-Initialization config
-The important part of the initialization is the configuration. The format is
-structured in YAML and will be detailed here. It contains the following
+The important part of the initialization is the configuration. The file is
+structured in YAML as detailed below. It contains the following
-Here, there access credentials of the database are stored. It defines the
-internal database name, user and password that will be created when the stack
+Here, access details and credentials of the database are stored. It defines the
+internal database name, user, and password that will be created when the stack
 is deployed. Note that there is no ``host`` setting, as this will be handled
+automatically within the Docker Swarm.
 .. code-block:: yaml
@@ -68,14 +71,14 @@ TODO
-This section defines product type related information. The two most important
+This section defines ``product_type`` related information. The two most important
 settings here are the ``type_extractor`` and ``level_extractor`` structures
-which specify how the product type and product level will be extracted from
+which specify how the product type and product level should be extracted from
 the metadata. For this, an XPath (or multiple) can be specified to retrieve
 that information.
-The ``types`` section defines the available product types and what browse
-and mask types are to be generated.
+The ``types`` section defines the available ``product_types`` and which ``browse``
+and ``mask`` types are to be generated.
 .. code-block:: yaml
@@ -130,7 +133,7 @@ and mask types are to be generated.
 In the ``collections`` section, the collections are set up and it is defined
-which products of what type and level will be inserted into them. The
+which products based on ``product_type`` and ``product_level`` will be inserted into them. The
 ``product_types`` must list types defined in the ``products`` section.
 .. code-block:: yaml
@@ -147,11 +150,11 @@ which products of what type and level will be inserted into them. The
 Here, the three relevant storages can be configured: the ``source``,
-``preprocessed`` and ``cache`` storages.
+``preprocessed``, and ``cache`` storages.
-The source storage defines the location from which the original files will be
-pulled to be preprocessed. Preprocessed images and metadata will then be
-pushed to the ``preprocessed`` storage. The cache service will cache images on
+The ``source`` storage defines the location from which the original files will be
+downloaded to be preprocessed. Preprocessed images and metadata will then be
+uploaded to the ``preprocessed`` storage. The cache service will cache images on
 the ``cache`` storage.
 Each storage definition uses the same structure and can target various types
@@ -203,8 +206,7 @@ TODO: improve example
-This section defines the exposed services layers of the cache, and how the
-internal layers shall be cached.
+This section defines the exposed services, and how the layers shall be cached internally.
 .. code-block:: yaml
@@ -272,6 +274,7 @@ internal layers shall be cached.
           title: VHR Image 2018 Level 3 NDVI
           abstract: VHR Image 2018 Level 3 NDVI
           style: earth
-          # grids? cache options?
+          # TODO grids? cache options?
+Once the initialization is finished the next step is to deploy the Docker Swarm
+stack as described in the section :ref:`setup`.
diff --git a/documentation/operator-guide/intro.rst b/documentation/operator-guide/intro.rst
index 49e3d2796da76b8716cda19a4985c4dbfe9ad4ec..3c4624bff163f3f8c8d4293489239e3c25936dc4 100644
--- a/documentation/operator-guide/intro.rst
+++ b/documentation/operator-guide/intro.rst
@@ -67,8 +67,12 @@ The following configuration files impact the behavior of the View Server:
    published layers.
  - `init-db.sh`: This file sets up the registrar and renderer side of the VS.
+Initialization and Setup
 In order to help with the initial setup of a VS, the ``pvs_starter`` package
-allows to quickly establish the required structure of configuration files.
+described in the section :ref:`initialization` allows to quickly establish the
+required structure of configuration files.
+The section :ref:`setup` describes how to deploy a Docker Swarm stack using the
+configuration files generated in the initialization step.
diff --git a/documentation/operator-guide/management.rst b/documentation/operator-guide/management.rst
index b90e6492cfc6be2bc55154381e03ff155a5231e8..2b24769158b21693b30a320d44633278457edc19 100644
--- a/documentation/operator-guide/management.rst
+++ b/documentation/operator-guide/management.rst
@@ -36,3 +36,22 @@ Updating the service software is done using previously established tools. To
 update the service in question, it needs to be scaled to zero replicas. Then
 the new image can be pulled, and the service can be scaled back to its original
 value. This forces the start of the service from the newly fetched image.
+Another option to keep the service running during the upgrade procedure is to sequentially
+restart the individual instances of the services after pulling a newer image using a command:
+.. code-block:: bash
+    docker service update --force <stack-name>_<service-name>
+Updating configurations or environment files
+Updating the service configurations or environment files used can not be done just by
+rescaling the impacted services to 0 and rerunning. The whole stack needs to be shut down using a command:
+.. code-block:: bash
+    docker stack rm <stack-name>
+A new deployment of the stack will already have updated configuration. The above mentioned process necessarily
+involved a certain service downtime between shutting down of the stack and new deployment.
diff --git a/documentation/operator-guide/setup.rst b/documentation/operator-guide/setup.rst
index 5d27a838691e0cfaf5410bdf5f17f31283a0fc64..8db89eda434ec40a36d4d76edb067292d6e13435 100644
--- a/documentation/operator-guide/setup.rst
+++ b/documentation/operator-guide/setup.rst
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Setup
 In this chapter the setup of a new VS stack is detailed. Before this step can
 be done, the configuration and environment files need to be present. These
-files can be added manually, or be created in the initialization step.
+files can be added manually or be created in the :ref:`initialization` step.
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ images from the default repository, this happens automatically. When private
 repositories are used, they need to be configured beforehand.
 Currently, all images used in VS that are not off-the-shelf are hosted on the
 ``registry.gitlab.eox.at`` registry. It can be configured to be used with this
-command with the correct username and password filled in:
+command with the correct ``username`` and ``password`` filled in:
 .. code-block:: bash