diff --git a/registrar_test.py b/registrar_test.py
index 7d2df6332b55589a3d6ad7f80b91937599ff35dd..66249e81c366de8c41efbca2e1e0a503fe428af4 100644
--- a/registrar_test.py
+++ b/registrar_test.py
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 import psycopg2
 import os
 import csv
+from xml.etree import ElementTree
 with open('./env/emg_db.env', 'r') as f:
@@ -42,6 +43,22 @@ def test_db_name(name):
         spamreader = csv.reader(csvfile)
         for row in spamreader:
             identifier = row[0].split('/')[4]
+            xml_file= "%s.xml"% identifier
+            tree = ElementTree.parse(xml_file)
+            root = tree.getroot()
+            urls = root.findall('{http://www.telespazio.com/CSCDA/CDD/PDAS}URL')
+            wms_link = urls[0].find('{http://www.telespazio.com/CSCDA/CDD/PDAS}URL').text
+            wcs_link = urls[1].find('{http://www.telespazio.com/CSCDA/CDD/PDAS}URL').text
+            wms_capabilities = 'emg.pass.copernicus.eu/ows?service=wms&request=GetCapabilities&amp&cql=identifier='
+            wcs_capabilities = 'emg.pass.copernicus.eu/ows?service=wcs&request=GetCapabilities&amp&cql=identifier='
+            expected_wms_link = '%s"%s"' % (wms_capabilities, identifier)
+            expected_wcs_link = '%s"%s"' % (wcs_capabilities, identifier)
+            assert expected_wms_link.replace('&amp&', '&') == wms_link
+            assert expected_wcs_link.replace('&amp&', '&') == wcs_link
             assert coverage_id == identifier
             assert db_name == database
diff --git a/registrar_test.sh b/registrar_test.sh
index a300953033455a223bf95a8a28e5a4d7a81d4a03..84f50c67051be543309cffe8746f300c15ee49ad 100755
--- a/registrar_test.sh
+++ b/registrar_test.sh
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 docker exec -i $(docker ps -qf "name=emg-pvs_registrar") python3 /var/www/pvs/dev/pvs_instance/manage.py storage create pvs_testing pvs_testing --type swift --storage-auth auth-cloud-ovh
-# For testing the service url and the reporting directory canbe fixed and not mapped from env
+# For testing purposses 'service url' and 'reporting directory' values can be fixed and not mapped from env
 while read  product; do
@@ -15,14 +15,19 @@ echo "docker exec -i $(docker ps -qf "name=emg-pvs_registrar") python3 /core/reg
     while IFS="" read -r name
-    docker exec $(docker ps -qf "name=emg-pvs_registrar") cat /mnt/reports/$name >> ${ADDR[4]}.xml
+    docker exec $(docker ps -qf "name=emg-pvs_registrar") cat /mnt/reports/$name > temp.xml
+    tail -n +2 temp.xml > ${ADDR[4]}.xml
     done < ${ADDR[4]}.csv
-    rm  ${ADDR[4]}.csv
+    rm  ${ADDR[4]}.csv temp.xml
 done < $product_list_file
 pytest -s registrar_test.py --name $product_list_file
+# Remove the created xml reports
+while read product; do 
+IFS='/' read -ra ADDR <<< "$product"
+rm ${ADDR[4]}.xml
+done < $product_list_file