From 6b291e1b5aa08f54ea8e024bef5c74041da7edf7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Fabian Schindler <>
Date: Mon, 29 Jun 2020 16:01:23 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Updating configuration section

 .../operator-guide/configuration.rst          | 310 +++++++++++++-----
 1 file changed, 221 insertions(+), 89 deletions(-)

diff --git a/documentation/operator-guide/configuration.rst b/documentation/operator-guide/configuration.rst
index 6e34ca9f..4d40c695 100644
--- a/documentation/operator-guide/configuration.rst
+++ b/documentation/operator-guide/configuration.rst
@@ -6,108 +6,240 @@ Configuration
 This chapter details how a running VS service can be configured. And what steps
 are necessary to deploy the configuration.
-This section explains the various kinds of configuration items and where to
-apply them.
+In the following sections, it is indicated, that for an update of the
+configuration to take effect some steps need to be taken.
+As will be further described, for some configurations it is only required to
+"re-deploy" the stack and re-start the services. This is done using the
+following commands:
+.. code-block:: bash
+  # scale all services to 0 replicas, effectively pausing the stack
+  docker service scale ...
+  # re-deploy the stack (update its configuration)
+  docker stack deploy -c ...
+  # scale the services to their original replica count
+  docker service scale
+.. warning::
+  When calling the ``docker stack deploy`` command, it is vital to use the
+  command with that the stack was originally created.
+In some cases this is not enough, as the configuration was used to for a
+metarialized instance which needs to be reverted. The easiest way to do this is
+to delete the volume in question. If, for example, the renderer/registrar
+configuration was updated, the ``instance-data`` volume needs to be re-created.
+First, the stack needs to be shut down. This is done using the following
+.. code-block:: bash
+  docker stack rm <stack-name>
+When that command has completed (it is advisable to wait for some time until
+all containers have actually stopped) the next step is to delete the
+``instance-data`` volume:
+.. code-block:: bash
+  docker volume rm <stack-name>_instance-data
+.. note::
+  It is possible that this command fails, with the error message that the
+  volume is still in use. In this case, it is advisable to wait for a minute
+  and to try the deletion again.
+Now that the volume was deleted, the stack can be re-deployed, which will
+trigger the automatic re-creation and initialization of the volume. For the
+``instance-data``, it means that the instance will be re-created and all
+database models with it.
 Docker Compose Settings
-  These configurations are altering the behavior of the stack itself and its
-  contained services. A complete reference of the configuration file structure
-  can be found in `Docker Compose documentation
-  <>`_.
+These configurations are altering the behavior of the stack itself and its
+contained services. A complete reference of the configuration file structure
+can be found in `Docker Compose documentation
 Environment Variables
-  These variables are passed to their respective containers environment and
-  change the behavior of certain functionality. They can be declared in the
-  Docker Compose configuration file directly, but typically they are bundled by
-  field of interest and then placed into ``.env`` files and then passed to the
-  containers. So for example, there will be a ``<stack-name>_obs.env`` file
-  to store the access parameters for the object storage.
-  All those files are placed in the ``env/`` directory in the instances
-  directory.
-  Environment variables and ``.env`` files are passed to the services via the
-  ``docker-compose.yml`` directives. The following example shows how to pass
-  ``.env`` files and direct environment variables:
-  .. code-block:: yaml
-    services:
-      # ....
-      registrar:
-        env_file:
-          - env/stack.env
-          - env/stack_db.env
-          - env/stack_obs.env
-          - env/stack_redis.env
-        environment:
-          INSTANCE_ID: "prism-view-server_registrar"
-          INSTALL_DIR: "/var/www/pvs/dev/"
-          SCALEFACTOR: "1"
-          IN_MEMORY: "false"
-          INIT_SCRIPTS: "/ /"
-        # ...
-  The following ``.env`` files are typically used:
-    * ``<stack-name>.env``: The general ``.env`` file used for all services
-    * ``<stack-name>_db.env``: The database access credentials, for all services
-      interacting with the database.
-    * ``<stack-name>_django.env``: This env files defines the credentials for the
-      django admin user to be used with the admin GUI.
-    * ``<stack-name>_obs.env``: This contains access parameters for the object
-      storage(s).
-    * ``<stack-name>_preprocessor.env``: Preprocessor related environment
-      variables
-    * ``<stack-name>_redis.env``: Redis access credentials and queue names
-  .. Usually, it is not possible to override the values in running containers.
-  .. So whenever such a value is changed, the stack has to be re-deployed in
-  .. order to push the changes to the services.
+These variables are passed to their respective containers environment and
+change the behavior of certain functionality. They can be declared in the
+Docker Compose configuration file directly, but typically they are bundled by
+field of interest and then placed into ``.env`` files and then passed to the
+containers. So for example, there will be a ``<stack-name>_obs.env`` file
+to store the access parameters for the object storage.
+All those files are placed in the ``env/`` directory in the instances
+Environment variables and ``.env`` files are passed to the services via the
+``docker-compose.yml`` directives. The following example shows how to pass
+``.env`` files and direct environment variables:
+.. code-block:: yaml
+  services:
+    # ....
+    registrar:
+      env_file:
+        - env/stack.env
+        - env/stack_db.env
+        - env/stack_obs.env
+        - env/stack_redis.env
+      environment:
+        INSTANCE_ID: "prism-view-server_registrar"
+        INSTALL_DIR: "/var/www/pvs/dev/"
+        SCALEFACTOR: "1"
+        IN_MEMORY: "false"
+        INIT_SCRIPTS: "/ /"
+      # ...
+The following ``.env`` files are typically used:
+  * ``<stack-name>.env``: The general ``.env`` file used for all services
+  * ``<stack-name>_db.env``: The database access credentials, for all services
+    interacting with the database.
+  * ``<stack-name>_django.env``: This env files defines the credentials for the
+    django admin user to be used with the admin GUI.
+  * ``<stack-name>_obs.env``: This contains access parameters for the object
+    storage(s).
+  * ``<stack-name>_preprocessor.env``: Preprocessor related environment
+    variables
+  * ``<stack-name>_redis.env``: Redis access credentials and queue names
+Groups of environment variables
+GDAL environment variables
+  This group of environment variables controls the intricacies of GDAL. They
+  control how GDAL interacts with its supported files. As GDAL supports a
+  variety of formats and backend access, most of the full `list of env
+  variables <>`_ are not applicable and
+  only a handful are actually relevant for VS.
+    Especially when using an Object Storage backend with a very large number of
+    files, it is vital to activate this setting (``=TRUE``) in order to
+    suppress to read the whole directory contents which is very slow for some
+    OBS backends.
+    This limits the file extensions to disable the lookup of so called sidecar
+    files which are not used for VS. By default this value is used:
+    ``=.TIF,.tif,.xml``.
+OpenStack Swift environment variables
+  These variables define the access coordinates and credentials for the
+  OpenStack Swift Object storage backend.
+  ``OS_AUTH_URL``
+    This set of variables define the credentials for the object storage to
+    place the preprocessed results.
+    This set of variables define the credentials for the object storage to
+    retrieve the original product files.
+VS environment variables
+  These environment variables are used by VS itself to configure various parts.
+  .. note::
+    These variables are used during the initial stack setup. When these
+    variables are changed, they will not be reflected unless the instance
+    volume is re-created.
+    This defines the main collections name. This is used in various parts of
+    the VS and serves as the layer base name.
+    This controls the bucket name where the preprocessed images are uploaded
+    to.
+    The Django admin user account credentials to use the Admin GUI.
+  .. note::
+    These variables are used during the initial stack setup. When these
+    variables are changed, they will not be reflected unless the database
+    volume is re-created.
+  ``DB``
+  ``DB_USER``
+  ``DB_PW``
+  ``DB_HOST``
+  ``DB_PORT``
+  ``DB_NAME``
+    These are the internal access credentials for the database.
-Configuration Files
-  Such files are passed to the containers in a similar way as environment
-  variables, but usually contain more settings at once and are placed at a
-  specific path in the container at runtime.
-  Configuration files are passed into the containers using the ``configs``
-  section of the ``docker-compose.yaml`` file. The following example shows how
-  such a configuration file is defined and the used in a service:
+Configuration Files
+Such files are passed to the containers in a similar way as environment
+variables, but usually contain more settings at once and are placed at a
+specific path in the container at runtime.
-  .. code-block:: yaml
+Configuration files are passed into the containers using the ``configs``
+section of the ``docker-compose.yaml`` file. The following example shows how
+such a configuration file is defined and the used in a service:
-    # ...
-    configs:
-      my-config:
-        file: ./config/example.cfg
-    # ...
-    services:
-      myservice:
-        # ...
-        configs:
-        - source: my-config
-          target: /example.cfg
+.. code-block:: yaml
-  The following configuration files are used throughout the VS:
+  # ...
+  configs:
+    my-config:
+      file: ./config/example.cfg
+  # ...
+  services:
+    myservice:
+      # ...
+      configs:
+      - source: my-config
+        target: /example.cfg
-    * ``<stack-name>``: This shell script files purpose is to set up
-      the EOxServer instance used by both the renderer and registrar.
-    * ``<stack-name>_index-dev.html``/``<stack-name>_index-ops.html``: The
-      clients main HTML page, containing various client settings. The ``dev`` one
-      is used for development only, whereas the ``ops`` one is used for operational
-      deployment.
-    * ``<stack-name>_mapcache-dev.xml``/``<stack-name>_mapcache-ops.xml``: The
-      configuration file for MapCache, the software powering the cache service.
-      Similarly to the client configuration files, the ``dev`` and ``ops`` files
-      used for development and operational usage respectively. Further
-      documentation can be found at `the official site
-      <>`_.
+The following configuration files are used throughout the VS:
+  * ``<stack-name>``: This shell script files purpose is to set up
+    the EOxServer instance used by both the renderer and registrar.
+  * ``<stack-name>_index-dev.html``/``<stack-name>_index-ops.html``: The
+    clients main HTML page, containing various client settings. The ``dev`` one
+    is used for development only, whereas the ``ops`` one is used for operational
+    deployment.
+  * ``<stack-name>_mapcache-dev.xml``/``<stack-name>_mapcache-ops.xml``: The
+    configuration file for MapCache, the software powering the cache service.
+    Similarly to the client configuration files, the ``dev`` and ``ops`` files
+    used for development and operational usage respectively. Further
+    documentation can be found at `the official site
+    <>`_.
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