diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index 6f9eddf15897c200164e2375a04ef7c15af645e0..de2ece8a34372a189edb70a8e79aef700e7a5c24 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -16,27 +16,27 @@ build-master:
     - VERSION_1=`grep 'version="*"' core/Dockerfile | cut -d '"' -f2`
     - IMAGE_1="$CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/pvs_core"
     - docker pull "$IMAGE_1":latest || true
-    - docker build --cache-from "$IMAGE_1":latest -t "$IMAGE_1":latest -t "$IMAGE_1":$VERSION_1 core/
+    - docker build --cache-from "$IMAGE_1":latest -t "$IMAGE_1":dev -t "$IMAGE_1":$VERSION_1 core/
     - VERSION_2=`grep 'version="*"' preprocessor/Dockerfile | cut -d '"' -f2`
     - IMAGE_2="$CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/pvs_preprocessor"
     - docker pull "$IMAGE_2":latest || true
-    - docker build --cache-from "$IMAGE_2":latest -t "$IMAGE_2":latest -t "$IMAGE_2":$VERSION_2 preprocessor/
+    - docker build --cache-from "$IMAGE_2":latest -t "$IMAGE_2":dev -t "$IMAGE_2":$VERSION_2 preprocessor/
     - VERSION_3=`grep 'version="*"' client/Dockerfile | cut -d '"' -f2`
     - IMAGE_3="$CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/pvs_client"
     - docker pull "$IMAGE_3":latest || true
-    - docker build --cache-from "$IMAGE_3":latest -t "$IMAGE_3":latest -t "$IMAGE_3":$VERSION_3 client/
+    - docker build --cache-from "$IMAGE_3":latest -t "$IMAGE_3":dev -t "$IMAGE_3":$VERSION_3 client/
     - VERSION_4=`grep 'version="*"' cache/Dockerfile | cut -d '"' -f2`
     - IMAGE_4="$CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/pvs_cache"
     - docker pull "$IMAGE_4":latest || true
-    - docker build --cache-from "$IMAGE_4":latest -t "$IMAGE_4":latest -t "$IMAGE_4":$VERSION_4 cache/
+    - docker build --cache-from "$IMAGE_4":latest -t "$IMAGE_4":dev -t "$IMAGE_4":$VERSION_4 cache/
     - VERSION_5=`grep 'version="*"' fluentd/Dockerfile | cut -d '"' -f2`
     - IMAGE_5="$CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/fluentd"
     - docker pull "$IMAGE_5":latest || true
-    - docker build --cache-from "$IMAGE_5":latest -t "$IMAGE_5":latest -t "$IMAGE_5":$VERSION_5 fluentd/
+    - docker build --cache-from "$IMAGE_5":latest -t "$IMAGE_5":dev -t "$IMAGE_5":$VERSION_5 fluentd/
     - VERSION_6=`grep 'version="*"' ingestor/Dockerfile | cut -d '"' -f2`
     - IMAGE_6="$CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/pvs_ingestor"
     - docker pull "$IMAGE_6":latest || true
-    - docker build --cache-from "$IMAGE_6":latest -t "$IMAGE_6":latest -t "$IMAGE_6":$VERSION_6 ingestor/
+    - docker build --cache-from "$IMAGE_6":latest -t "$IMAGE_6":dev -t "$IMAGE_6":$VERSION_6 ingestor/
     - cd ./testing && ./gitlab_test.sh
     - if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exit 1; fi  # actually fail build
     - docker push "$IMAGE_1":$VERSION_1
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ build-master:
     - docker push "$IMAGE_6":latest
     - master
+    - tags
   image: docker:latest
   stage: build
@@ -64,28 +64,23 @@ build:
     - IMAGE="$CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/pvs_core"
     - docker pull "$IMAGE":latest || true
-    - docker build --cache-from "$IMAGE":latest -t "$IMAGE":$CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG -t "$IMAGE":$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME core/
-    - docker tag "$IMAGE:$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME" "$IMAGE:latest"
+    - docker build --cache-from "$IMAGE":latest -t "$IMAGE":dev core/
     - IMAGE="$CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/pvs_preprocessor"
     - docker pull "$IMAGE":latest || true
-    - docker build --cache-from "$IMAGE":latest -t "$IMAGE":$CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG -t "$IMAGE":$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME preprocessor/
-    - docker tag "$IMAGE:$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME" "$IMAGE:latest"
+    - docker build --cache-from "$IMAGE":latest -t "$IMAGE":dev preprocessor/
     - IMAGE="$CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/pvs_client"
     - docker pull "$IMAGE":latest || true
-    - docker build --cache-from "$IMAGE":latest -t "$IMAGE":$CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG -t "$IMAGE":$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME client/
-    - docker tag "$IMAGE:$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME" "$IMAGE:latest"
+    - docker build --cache-from "$IMAGE":latest -t "$IMAGE":dev client/
     - IMAGE="$CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/pvs_cache"
     - docker pull "$IMAGE":latest || true
-    - docker build --cache-from "$IMAGE":latest -t "$IMAGE":$CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG -t "$IMAGE":$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME cache/
-    - docker tag "$IMAGE:$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME" "$IMAGE:latest"
+    - docker build --cache-from "$IMAGE":latest -t "$IMAGE":dev cache/
     - IMAGE="$CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/fluentd"
     - docker pull "$IMAGE":latest || true
-    - docker build --cache-from "$IMAGE":latest -t "$IMAGE":$CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG -t "$IMAGE":$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME fluentd/
-    - docker tag "$IMAGE:$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME" "$IMAGE:latest"
+    - docker build --cache-from "$IMAGE":latest -t "$IMAGE":dev fluentd/
     - IMAGE="$CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/pvs_ingestor"
     - docker pull "$IMAGE":latest || true
-    - docker build --cache-from "$IMAGE":latest -t "$IMAGE":$CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG -t "$IMAGE":$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME ingestor/
-    - cd ./testing && ./gitlab_test.sh && cd -
+    - docker build --cache-from "$IMAGE":latest -t "$IMAGE":dev ingestor/
+    - cd ./testing && ./gitlab_test.sh
+    - if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exit 1; fi  # actually fail build
     - master
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 1a03d587fa0612ab48b2668e06a5c9524d89dd91..fff3c4968fbd172317d9a8ee5f13f16fdb97adf4 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -187,25 +187,17 @@ docker swarm init                               # initialize swarm
 Build images:
+Note we use **dev** tag for local development, so images need to be built locally
-docker build core/ --cache-from registry.gitlab.eox.at/esa/prism/vs/pvs_core -t registry.gitlab.eox.at/esa/prism/vs/pvs_core
-docker build cache/ --cache-from registry.gitlab.eox.at/esa/prism/vs/pvs_cache -t registry.gitlab.eox.at/esa/prism/vs/pvs_cache
-docker build preprocessor/ --cache-from registry.gitlab.eox.at/esa/prism/vs/pvs_preprocessor -t registry.gitlab.eox.at/esa/prism/vs/pvs_preprocessor
-docker build client/ --cache-from registry.gitlab.eox.at/esa/prism/vs/pvs_client -t registry.gitlab.eox.at/esa/prism/vs/pvs_client
-docker build fluentd/ --cache-from registry.gitlab.eox.at/esa/prism/vs/fluentd -t registry.gitlab.eox.at/esa/prism/vs/fluentd
-docker build ingestor/ --cache-from registry.gitlab.eox.at/esa/prism/vs/pvs_ingestor -t registry.gitlab.eox.at/esa/prism/vs/pvs_ingestor
-Or pull them from the registry:
-docker login -u {DOCKER_USER} -p {DOCKER_PASSWORD} registry.gitlab.eox.at
-docker pull registry.gitlab.eox.at/esa/prism/vs/pvs_core
-docker pull registry.gitlab.eox.at/esa/prism/vs/pvs_cache
-docker pull registry.gitlab.eox.at/esa/prism/vs/pvs_preprocessor
-docker pull registry.gitlab.eox.at/esa/prism/vs/pvs_client
-docker pull registry.gitlab.eox.at/esa/prism/vs/fluentd
-docker pull registry.gitlab.eox.at/esa/prism/vs/ingestor
+docker build core/ -t registry.gitlab.eox.at/esa/prism/vs/pvs_core:dev
+docker build cache/ -t registry.gitlab.eox.at/esa/prism/vs/pvs_cache:dev
+docker build preprocessor/ -t registry.gitlab.eox.at/esa/prism/vs/pvs_preprocessor:dev
+docker build client/ -t registry.gitlab.eox.at/esa/prism/vs/pvs_client:dev
+docker build fluentd/ -t registry.gitlab.eox.at/esa/prism/vs/fluentd:dev
+docker build ingestor/ -t registry.gitlab.eox.at/esa/prism/vs/pvs_ingestor:dev
+For production deployment, as registry is open to public, this part is done by a later step `Deploy the stack in production` as it will pull necessary images automatically.
 Create external network for stack to run:
 docker network create -d overlay vhr18-extnet
@@ -216,12 +208,16 @@ Add following .env files with credentials to the cloned copy of the repository /
 create docker secrets:
-Sensitive environment variables are not included in the .env files, and must be generated as docker secrets. All stacks currently share these secret names, therefore it must stay the same for all stacks. To create docker secrets run:
+Sensitive environment variables are not included in the .env files, and must be generated as docker secrets. All stacks currently share these secret names, therefore it must stay the same for all stacks. The same goes for sftp configuration values, To create docker secrets, and configs run:
+# secret creation
 # replace the "<variable>" with the value of the secret
 printf "<OS_PASSWORD_DOWNLOAD>" | docker secret create OS_PASSWORD_DOWNLOAD -
 printf "<DJANGO_PASSWORD>" | docker secret create DJANGO_PASSWORD -
 printf "<OS_PASSWORD>" | docker secret create OS_PASSWORD -
+# configs creation
+printf "<user>:<password>:<UID>:<GID>" | docker config create sftp-users -
 # for production base stack deployment, additional basic authentication credentials list need to be created
 # format of such a list used by traefik are username:hashedpassword (MD5, SHA1, BCrypt)
 sudo apt-get install apache2-utils
@@ -235,10 +231,17 @@ Deploy the stack in dev environment:
 docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.vhr18.yml -c docker-compose.vhr18.dev.yml -c docker-compose.logging.yml -c docker-compose.logging.dev.yml vhr18-pvs  # start VHR_IMAGE_2018 stack in dev mode, for example to use local sources
 docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.emg.yml -c docker-compose.emg.dev.yml -c docker-compose.logging.yml -c docker-compose.logging.dev.yml emg-pvs # start Emergency stack in dev mode, for example to use local sources
-Deploy base stack in production environment:
+Deploy base & logging stack in production environment:
 docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.base.ops.yml base-pvs
+docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.logging.yml docker-compose.logging.ops.yml logging
+Deploy the stack in production environment:
+Please note that in order to reuse existing database volumes, <stack-name> needs to be the same. Here we use `vhr18-pvs` but in operational service `vhr18-pdas` is used.
+docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.vhr18.yml -c docker-compose.vhr18.ops.yml vhr18-pvs
 First steps:
 # To register first data, use the following command inside the registrar container:
@@ -280,16 +283,16 @@ On production machine, `fluentd` is set as a logging driver for docker daemon by
 ### setup sftp
-The `SFTP` image allow remote access into 2 logging folders, you can define (edit/add) users, passwords and (UID/GID) in the respective configuration file ( e.g  *config/vhr_sftp_users.conf* ).
+The `SFTP` image allow remote access into 2 logging folders, you can define (edit/add) users, passwords and (UID/GID) using `docker config create` mentioned above.
-The default username is `eox`, once the stack is deployed you can sftp into the logging folders through port 2222 on -if you are running the dev stack- localhost :
+In the below example the username is `eox`, once the stack is deployed you can sftp into the logging folders through port 2222 on -if you are running the dev stack- localhost :
 sftp -P 2222 eox@
 You will log in  into`/home/eox/data` directory which contains the 2 logging directories : `to/panda` and `from/fepd`
- **NOTE:**  The mounted directory that you are directed into is *`/home/user`*, where `user` is the username, hence when changing the username in the `.conf` file, the `sftp` mounted volumes path in `docker-compose.<collection>.yml` must change respectively.
+ **NOTE:**  The mounted directory that you are directed into is *`/home/user`*, where `user` is the username, hence when setting / editing  the username in configs, the `sftp` mounted volumes path in `docker-compose.<collection>.yml` must change respectively.
 # Documentation
diff --git a/docker-compose.dem.dev.yml b/docker-compose.dem.dev.yml
index 1b36628d3f2b431be928b4e5dbd3f69b47f883a6..d39ce234c8f19ac600c14283c116d4c3ecf092e6 100644
--- a/docker-compose.dem.dev.yml
+++ b/docker-compose.dem.dev.yml
@@ -9,7 +9,12 @@ services:
       - type: bind
         source: ./data/
         target: /data/
+  ingestor:
+    image: registry.gitlab.eox.at/esa/prism/vs/pvs_ingestor:dev
+  fluentd:
+    image: registry.gitlab.eox.at/esa/prism/vs/fluentd:dev
+    image: registry.gitlab.eox.at/esa/prism/vs/pvs_client:dev
       - "80:80"
@@ -20,6 +25,7 @@ services:
         source: ./data/
         target: /data/
+    image: registry.gitlab.eox.at/esa/prism/vs/pvs_core:dev
       - "81:80"
       - "82:8080"
@@ -28,6 +34,7 @@ services:
         source: ./data/
         target: /data/
+    image: registry.gitlab.eox.at/esa/prism/vs/pvs_core:dev
       - type: bind
         source: ./data/
@@ -36,6 +43,7 @@ services:
         source: ./core/
         target: /core/
+    image: registry.gitlab.eox.at/esa/prism/vs/pvs_cache:dev
       - "83:80"
@@ -46,6 +54,7 @@ services:
       - source: mapcache-dev
         target: /mapcache-template.xml
+    image: registry.gitlab.eox.at/esa/prism/vs/pvs_preprocessor:dev
       - type: tmpfs
         target: /tmp
diff --git a/docker-compose.emg.dev.yml b/docker-compose.emg.dev.yml
index 08b23bf0d3994acce04cd6212483ecd327ff95dc..672a23d5de5f5be121fef7bfab58efcb904766b7 100644
--- a/docker-compose.emg.dev.yml
+++ b/docker-compose.emg.dev.yml
@@ -9,7 +9,12 @@ services:
       - type: bind
         source: ./data/
         target: /data/
+  ingestor:
+    image: registry.gitlab.eox.at/esa/prism/vs/pvs_ingestor:dev
+  fluentd:
+    image: registry.gitlab.eox.at/esa/prism/vs/fluentd:dev
+    image: registry.gitlab.eox.at/esa/prism/vs/pvs_client:dev
       - "80:80"
@@ -20,6 +25,7 @@ services:
         source: ./data/
         target: /data/
+    image: registry.gitlab.eox.at/esa/prism/vs/pvs_core:dev
       - "81:80"
       - "82:8080"
@@ -28,6 +34,7 @@ services:
         source: ./data/
         target: /data/
+    image: registry.gitlab.eox.at/esa/prism/vs/pvs_core:dev
       - type: bind
         source: ./data/
@@ -36,6 +43,7 @@ services:
         source: ./core/
         target: /core/
+    image: registry.gitlab.eox.at/esa/prism/vs/pvs_cache:dev
       - "83:80"
@@ -46,6 +54,7 @@ services:
       - source: mapcache-dev
         target: /mapcache-template.xml
+    image: registry.gitlab.eox.at/esa/prism/vs/pvs_preprocessor:dev
       - type: tmpfs
         target: /tmp
diff --git a/docker-compose.vhr18.dev.yml b/docker-compose.vhr18.dev.yml
index e7c46c3f2348a66e5fa40df62c5c86dc5557d3de..e37d123816fbdfb57577e37b320402144ac241a1 100644
--- a/docker-compose.vhr18.dev.yml
+++ b/docker-compose.vhr18.dev.yml
@@ -9,7 +9,12 @@ services:
       - type: bind
         source: ./data/
         target: /data/
+  ingestor:
+    image: registry.gitlab.eox.at/esa/prism/vs/pvs_ingestor:dev
+  fluentd:
+    image: registry.gitlab.eox.at/esa/prism/vs/fluentd:dev
+    image: registry.gitlab.eox.at/esa/prism/vs/pvs_client:dev
       - "80:80"
@@ -20,6 +25,7 @@ services:
         source: ./data/
         target: /data/
+    image: registry.gitlab.eox.at/esa/prism/vs/pvs_core:dev
       - "81:80"
       - "82:8080"
@@ -28,6 +34,7 @@ services:
         source: ./data/
         target: /data/
+    image: registry.gitlab.eox.at/esa/prism/vs/pvs_core:dev
       - type: bind
         source: ./data/
@@ -36,6 +43,7 @@ services:
         source: ./core/
         target: /core/
+    image: registry.gitlab.eox.at/esa/prism/vs/pvs_cache:dev
       - "83:80"
@@ -46,6 +54,7 @@ services:
       - source: mapcache-dev
         target: /mapcache-template.xml
+    image: registry.gitlab.eox.at/esa/prism/vs/pvs_preprocessor:dev
       - type: tmpfs
         target: /tmp
diff --git a/documentation/operator-guide/configuration.rst b/documentation/operator-guide/configuration.rst
index c1cbb0468f6209aeec2fef5e3bcb670c045a06aa..c4cbddd6b4421293d8821b7d74e24d471fcb5435 100644
--- a/documentation/operator-guide/configuration.rst
+++ b/documentation/operator-guide/configuration.rst
@@ -213,33 +213,6 @@ These are the internal access credentials for the database:
 * ``DB_PORT``
 * ``DB_NAME``
-Sensitive variables
-Since environment variables include credentials that are considered sensitive,
-avoiding their exposure inside ``.env`` files would be the right practice.
-In order to manage transmitting sensitive data securely into the respective containers,
-docker secrets with the values of these variables should be created. Currently, three 
-variables have to be saved as docker secrets before deploying the swarm:
-Two other docker secrets need to be created for traefik basic authentication:
-``BASIC_AUTH_USERS_AUTH`` - used for access to services, ``BASIC_AUTH_USERS_APIAUTH`` - used for admin access to kibana and traefik.
-These secrets should be text files containing a list of username:hashedpassword (MD5, SHA1, BCrypt) pairs.
-An example of creating ``OS_PASSWORD`` as secret using the following command : 
-.. code-block:: bash
-  printf "<password_value>" | docker secret create OS_PASSWORD -
-An example of creating ``BASIC_AUTH_USERS_AUTH`` secret: 
-.. code-block:: bash
-  htpasswd -nb user1 3vYxfRqUx4H2ar3fsEOR95M30eNJne >> auth_list.txt
-  htpasswd -nb user2 YyuN9bYRvBUUU6COx7itWw5qyyARus >> auth_list.txt
-  docker secret create BASIC_AUTH_USERS_AUTH auth_list.txt
 Configuration Files
@@ -520,5 +493,43 @@ preprocessing
     define specific step settings, even overriding the values from the
+Sensitive variables
+Since environment variables include credentials that are considered sensitive,
+avoiding their exposure inside ``.env`` files would be the right practice.
+In order to manage transmitting sensitive data securely into the respective containers,
+docker secrets with the values of these variables should be created. Currently, three 
+variables have to be saved as docker secrets before deploying the swarm:
+Two other docker secrets need to be created for traefik basic authentication:
+``BASIC_AUTH_USERS_AUTH`` - used for access to services, ``BASIC_AUTH_USERS_APIAUTH`` - used for admin access to kibana and traefik.
+These secrets should be text files containing a list of username:hashedpassword (MD5, SHA1, BCrypt) pairs.
+Additionally, the configuration of the ``sftp`` image containes sensitive information, and therefore, is created using docker configs.
+An example of creating configurations for sftp image using the following command : 
+.. code-block:: bash
+  printf "<user>:<password>:<UID>:<GID>" | docker config create sftp-users -
+An example of creating ``OS_PASSWORD`` as secret using the following command : 
+.. code-block:: bash
+  printf "<password_value>" | docker secret create OS_PASSWORD -
+An example of creating ``BASIC_AUTH_USERS_AUTH`` secret: 
+.. code-block:: bash
+  htpasswd -nb user1 3vYxfRqUx4H2ar3fsEOR95M30eNJne >> auth_list.txt
+  htpasswd -nb user2 YyuN9bYRvBUUU6COx7itWw5qyyARus >> auth_list.txt
+  docker secret create BASIC_AUTH_USERS_AUTH auth_list.txt
 The next section :ref:`management` describes how an operator interacts with a
 deployed VS stack.
diff --git a/documentation/operator-guide/management.rst b/documentation/operator-guide/management.rst
index 4f8abcb25f5c839558acdb4339861f247275379f..b7fcc9a070241619b7fe179271b05bb83f184134 100644
--- a/documentation/operator-guide/management.rst
+++ b/documentation/operator-guide/management.rst
@@ -59,6 +59,21 @@ A new deployment of the stack will use the updated configuration. The above
 mentioned process necessarily involves a certain service downtime between
 shutting down of the stack and new deployment.
+Inspecting reports
+Once registered, a xml report containes wcs and wms getcapabilities of the registered product is generated and can be accessed by sftp into `SFTP` image,
+In order to log into the logging folders through port 2222 on the hosting ip (e.g. localhost if you are running the dev stack ) The following command can be used:
+.. code-block:: bash
+    sftp -P 2222 <username>@<host>
+this will direct the user into `/home/<username>/data` directory which contains the 2 logging directories : `to/panda` and `from/fepd`
+.. Note::  The mounted directory that the user is directed into is *`/home/user`*, where `user` is the username, hence when changing the username in the `.conf` file, the `sftp` mounted volumes path in `docker-compose.<collection>.yml` must be changed respectively.
 Inspecting logs
diff --git a/testing/renderer_test.py b/testing/renderer_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fc7d9e60c07f37a899ff13a0939d1bbbea6060e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/renderer_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+import requests
+import pytest
+import csv
+import subprocess
+import json
+from xml.etree import ElementTree
+from osgeo import gdal
+from urllib.parse import unquote
+def identifiers():
+    with open('./product_list.csv') as f:
+        yield csv.reader(f)
+def get_requests (url, service_list, service, request):
+    response = requests.get(url = url)
+    catalog = ElementTree.fromstring(response.content)
+    entries = catalog.findall('{http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom}entry')
+    for entry in entries :
+        offers = entry.findall('{http://www.opengis.net/owc/1.0}offering[@code="http://www.opengis.net/spec/owc-atom/1.0/req/%s"]' % service)
+        for offer in offers :
+            services = offer.findall('{http://www.opengis.net/owc/1.0}operation[@code="%s"]' % request)
+            if len(services) > 0 :
+                service_list.append(services[0].get('href')) 
+    return service_list
+def test_renderer(identifiers):
+    wms_items = get_requests('http://docker:81/opensearch/collections/Emergency/atom/', [], 'wms', 'GetMap')
+    for row in identifiers:
+        identifier = row[0].split('/')[4]
+        for item in wms_items:
+            if identifier in unquote(unquote(item)) :
+                wms_response = requests.get(url = item)
+                # wms succsess
+                assert wms_response.status_code == 200
+def test_wcs(identifiers):
+    wcs_items = get_requests('http://docker:81/opensearch/collections/Emergency/atom/', [], 'wcs', 'GetCoverage')
+    for row in identifiers:
+        identifier = row[0].split('/')[4]
+        for item in wcs_items:
+            if identifier in unquote(unquote(item)) :
+                wcs_response = requests.get(url = item + '&scalesize=x(50),y(50)')
+                data = wcs_response.content
+                with open('temp.tif', 'wb') as f:
+                    f.write(data)
+                image = gdal.Open('temp.tif', gdal.GA_ReadOnly)
+                srcband = image.GetRasterBand(1)
+                # wcs succsess
+                assert wcs_response.status_code == 200
+                assert srcband.Checksum() != None
+                assert srcband.Checksum() > 0