Setup liveness probe for services
Add and update with following
can you please make the livenessProbe in viewserver helm chart configurable, currently it is not possible to override default values
- periodSeconds: 10
- successThreshold: 1
- timeoutSeconds: 1
I propose to increase timeoutSeconds (e.g. to 5 sec) and also to configure failureThreshold (default 3) to 10 - it seems that the viewserver is often busy with requests and therefore the individual livenessProbe requests won't go through and the pod is considered unhealthy (and gets restarted)
if we can't improve situation that we should talk about possibilities to either priorizite livenessProbe requests (don't know if/how this can be done in python with gunicorn or similar) or to use different means to indicate liveness (implementation effort)
Edited by Nikola Jankovic