config: general: COLLECTION: COLLECTION CPL_VSIL_CURL_ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS: .TIF,.tif,.xml GDAL_DISABLE_READDIR_ON_OPEN: "TRUE" COLLECT_STATIC: "false" database: DB_NAME: dbname DB_PORT: "5432" DB_PW: dbpw DB_USER: dbuser POSTGRES_DB: dbname POSTGRES_PASSWORD: dbpw POSTGRES_USER: dbuser django: DJANGO_MAIL: DJANGO_PASSWORD: djangopw DJANGO_USER: djangouser objectStorage: download: type: swift username: "username" password: "password" tenant_name: "tenant_name" tenant_id: "tenant_id" region_name: "region_name" auth_url: "auth_url" auth_url_short: "auth_url_short" auth_version: "auth_version" user_domain_name: "user_domain_name" data: type: swift username: "username" password: "password" tenant_name: "tenant_name" tenant_id: "tenant_id" region_name: "region_name" auth_url: "auth_url" auth_url_short: "auth_url_short" auth_version: "auth_version" user_domain_name: "user_domain_name" cache: type: S3 bucket: "bucket" endpoint_url: "endpoint_url" access_key_id: "access_key_id" secret_access_key: "secret_access_key" region: "region" redis: REDIS_PORT: "6379" REDIS_PREPROCESS_QUEUE_KEY: preprocess_queue REDIS_PREPROCESS_MD_QUEUE_KEY: preprocess-md_queue REDIS_PREPROCESS_FAILURE_KEY: preprocess-failure_set REDIS_PREPROCESS_PROGRESS_KEY: preprocessing_set REDIS_PREPROCESS_SUCCESS_KEY: preprocess-success_set REDIS_REGISTER_QUEUE_KEY: register_queue REDIS_REGISTER_FAILURE_KEY: register-failure_set REDIS_REGISTER_PROGRESS_KEY: registering_set REDIS_REGISTER_SUCCESS_KEY: register-success_set REDIS_SEED_QUEUE_KEY: seed_queue client: layers: {} # VHR_IMAGE_2018_Level_1: # display_color: '#eb3700' # title: VHR Image 2018 Level 1 # layer: VHR_IMAGE_2018_Level_1__TRUE_COLOR # sub_layers: # VHR_IMAGE_2018_Level_1__TRUE_COLOR: # label: VHR Image 2018 True Color # VHR_IMAGE_2018_Level_1__masked_validity: # label: VHR Image 2018 True Color with masked validity # VHR_IMAGE_2018_Level_1__FALSE_COLOR: # label: VHR Image 2018 False Color # VHR_IMAGE_2018_Level_1__NDVI: # label: VHR Image 2018 NDVI # VHR_IMAGE_2018_Level_3: # display_color: '#eb3700' # title: VHR Image 2018 Level 3 # layer: VHR_IMAGE_2018_Level_3__TRUE_COLOR # sub_layers: # VHR_IMAGE_2018_Level_3__TRUE_COLOR: # label: VHR Image 2018 True Color # VHR_IMAGE_2018_Level_3__masked_validity: # label: VHR Image 2018 True Color with masked validity # VHR_IMAGE_2018_Level_3__FALSE_COLOR: # label: VHR Image 2018 False Color # VHR_IMAGE_2018_Level_3__NDVI: # label: VHR Image 2018 NDVI overlay_layers: {} # VHR_IMAGE_2018_Level_3__outlines: # display_color: '#187465' # title: VHR Image 2018 Level 3 Outlines # layer: VHR_IMAGE_2018_Level_3__outlines # VHR_IMAGE_2018_Level_3__masked_validity__Full: # display_color: '#187465' # title: VHR Image 2018 Level 3 True Color with masked validity Full Coverage # layer: VHR_IMAGE_2018_Level_3__masked_validity__Full # VHR_IMAGE_2018_Level_3__Full: # display_color: '#187465' # title: VHR Image 2018 Level 3 True Color Full Coverage # layer: VHR_IMAGE_2018_Level_3__Full # cache related options cache: metadata: title: PRISM Data Access Service (PASS) developed by EOX abstract: PRISM Data Access Service (PASS) developed by EOX url: keyword: view service accessconstraints: UNKNOWN fees: UNKNOWN contactname: Stephan Meissl contactphone: Please contact via mail. contactfacsimile: None contactorganization: EOX IT Services GmbH contactcity: Vienna contactstateorprovince: Vienna contactpostcode: 1090 contactcountry: Austria contactelectronicmailaddress: contactposition: CTO providername: EOX providerurl: inspire_profile: true inspire_metadataurl: TBD defaultlanguage: eng language: eng services: wms: enabled: true wmts: enabled: true connection_timeout: 10 timeout: 120 expires: 3600 key: /{tileset}/{grid}/{dim}/{z}/{x}/{y}.{ext} tilesets: {} # VHR_IMAGE_2018: # title: VHR Image 2018 True Color # abstract: VHR Image 2018 True Color # VHR_IMAGE_2018__TRUE_COLOR: # title: VHR Image 2018 True Color # abstract: VHR Image 2018 True Color # VHR_IMAGE_2018__FALSE_COLOR: # title: VHR Image 2018 False Color # abstract: VHR Image 2018 False Color # VHR_IMAGE_2018__NDVI: # title: VHR Image 2018 NDVI # abstract: VHR Image 2018 NDVI # style: earth # VHR_IMAGE_2018_Level_1__TRUE_COLOR: # title: VHR Image 2018 Level 1 True Color # abstract: VHR Image 2018 Level 1 True Color # VHR_IMAGE_2018_Level_1__FALSE_COLOR: # title: VHR Image 2018 Level 1 False Color # abstract: VHR Image 2018 Level 1 False Color # VHR_IMAGE_2018_Level_1__NDVI: # title: VHR Image 2018 Level 1 NDVI # abstract: VHR Image 2018 Level 1 NDVI # style: earth # VHR_IMAGE_2018_Level_1__TRUE_COLOR: # title: VHR Image 2018 Level 3 True Color # abstract: VHR Image 2018 Level 3 True Color # VHR_IMAGE_2018_Level_1__FALSE_COLOR: # title: VHR Image 2018 Level 3 False Color # abstract: VHR Image 2018 Level 3 False Color # VHR_IMAGE_2018_Level_1__NDVI: # title: VHR Image 2018 Level 3 NDVI # abstract: VHR Image 2018 Level 3 NDVI # style: earth preprocessor: metadata_glob: '*GSC*.xml' type_extractor: xpath: - /gsc:report/gsc:opt_metadata/gml:using/eop:EarthObservationEquipment/eop:platform/eop:Platform/eop:shortName/text() level_extractor: # xpath can also be a list of xpaths to be tried one after another xpath: substring-after(substring-after(/gsc:report/gsc:opt_metadata/gml:metaDataProperty/gsc:EarthObservationMetaData/eop:parentIdentifier/text(), '/'), '/') preprocessing: defaults: move_files: true data_file_globs: - '*.tif' - '*.jp2' output: options: format: COG dstSRS: 'EPSG:4326' dstNodata: 0 creationOptions: - BLOCKSIZE=512 - COMPRESS=DEFLATE - NUM_THREADS=8 - BIGTIFF=IF_SAFER - OVERVIEWS=AUTO types: {} # PH1B: # just to pass validation # nested: true registrar: schemes: - type: gsc # mapping of collection name to objects collections: {} # VHR_IMAGE_2018: # product_types: # - PL00 # - DM02 # - KS03 # - KS04 # - PH1A # - PH1B # - SP06 # - SP07 # - SW00 # - TR00 # product_levels: # - Level_1 # - Level_3 # coverage_types: # - RGBNir products: type_extractor: xpath: - /gsc:report/gsc:opt_metadata/gml:using/eop:EarthObservationEquipment/eop:platform/eop:Platform/eop:shortName/text() - /gsc:report/gsc:sar_metadata/gml:using/eop:EarthObservationEquipment/eop:platform/eop:Platform/eop:shortName/text() namespace_map: level_extractor: xpath: namespace_map: types: {} # PL00: # coverages: # PL00: RGBNir # default_browse: TRUE_COLOR # browses: # TRUE_COLOR: # red: # expression: red # range: [1000, 15000] # nodata: 0 # green: # expression: green # range: [1000, 15000] # nodata: 0 # blue: # expression: blue # range: [1000, 15000] # nodata: 0 # FALSE_COLOR: # red: # expression: nir # range: [1000, 15000] # nodata: 0 # green: # expression: red # range: [1000, 15000] # nodata: 0 # blue: # expression: green # range: [1000, 15000] # nodata: 0 # NDVI: # grey: # expression: (nir-red)/(nir+red) # range: [-1, 1] # masks: # validity: # validity: true coverages: {} # only RGBNir? SAR? complete list with all options here? database: persistence: enabled: false # existingClaim: eoepca-rm-db-pvc postgresqlUsername: dbuser postgresqlPassword: dbpw postgresqlDatabase: dbname postgresqlPostgresPassword: dbpgpw initdbScripts: | echo "Enabling postgis" PGPASSWORD="$POSTGRES_POSTGRES_PASSWORD" psql -U postgres -d "${POSTGRES_DB}" -c "CREATE EXTENSION postgis;" redis: usePassword: false # persistence: # existingClaim: redis # master: # persistence: # enabled: true cluster: enabled: false preprocessor: replicaCount: 1 resources: limits: cpu: 1.5 memory: 6Gi requests: cpu: 0.5 memory: 0.5Gi affinity: {} registrar: replicaCount: 1 resources: limits: cpu: 1.5 memory: 6Gi requests: cpu: 0.5 memory: 0.5Gi affinity: {} renderer: replicaCount: 1 resources: limits: cpu: 1.5 memory: 6Gi requests: cpu: 0.5 memory: 0.5Gi affinity: {} client: replicaCount: 1 resources: limits: cpu: 0.5 memory: 1Gi requests: cpu: 0.1 memory: 0.1Gi replicaCount: 1 image: repository: pullPolicy: IfNotPresent tag: "release-1.1.0" imagePullSecrets: [] nameOverride: "" fullnameOverride: "" service: type: ClusterIP port: 80 ingress: annotations: nginx "true" "600" "true" hosts: - host: vs.local tls: - hosts: - vs.local secretName: vs-secret affinity: {}