Extend client detailsDisplay to allow per-product wms endpoint
on DEM collection -> detailsdisplay, we can not show individual products if they overlap, as it targets the whole layer Will need to select product ID with CQL probably via REPLACE (will need to get the ID of product)
Currently detailsDisplay on DEM collection goes to url https://dem.pass.copernicus.eu/ows?SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.1.0&REQUEST=GetMap&FORMAT=image%2Fpng&TRANSPARENT=true&LAYERS=DEM&STYLES=earth&time=2011-06-05T17%3A57%3A56Z%2F2011-06-05T17%3A57%3A57Z&WIDTH=512&HEIGHT=512&SRS=EPSG%3A4326&BBOX=0%2C37.96875%2C0.703125%2C38.671875 but on this area&time there are 6 products and always the same one is shown no matter the arrows change in client
Response Fabian:
The WMS URL of the product itself is also provided via OpenSearch.
So a switch in the detailsdisplay widget is probably the best:
re-use the Layers of the map view if no specific WMS layer is available, otherwise use the specific one.
I think this needs to be implemented in the client.