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  • Prometheus_Faster_DNS
  • f2b-ipv6
  • f2b-prom
  • f2b-prom-tested
  • fail2ban-ipv4-6
  • main default protected
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.02Feb31Jan29Nov25Oct7Sep6543131Aug24222129Jun141022Apr21Modification for Rocky Linux which requires that extra line to create the sshd jail. Considering adding another line for all fail2ban config with backend = systemd for more efficient parsingmainmainModified the sshd.conf for fail2ban and how it's handled to avoid certain issues with the regex filter and how the line is added. Tested on different machines.Modifications to integrate the new DNS SRV system of Prometheus with further groups of servers at Faster, including ext_srv (f2b exporters) and bare_metalPrometheus_Fast…Prometheus_Faster_DNSadded option to disable http/httpsMerge branch 'f2b-allowipv6-alpine' into 'main'Modified the cron job to avoid unnecessary alerts with OK after fail2ban-client reloadChanges made to the script to have allowipv6 set to yes within a [Definition] file.Changes made to the script to have allowipv6 set to yes within a [Definition] file.Minor change to avoid an alert on Alpine with allowipv6fixed problem...f2b-prom f2b-pr…f2b-prom f2b-prom-testedAdding Prometheus monitoring to fail2ban. Still some issues with permissions from base.alpine fixMerge branch 'f2b-ipv6' into 'main'Update with the script for ipv4 and ipv6 as well as ban/unban in one script. Added a nftables chain.f2b-ipv6f2b-ipv6Created a single script that works for both ban/unban and also for both ipv6 and ipv4. Also changed the handler to Restarted as a Reload doesn't take into account the new action rulesfail2ban-ipv4-6fail2ban-ipv4-6changed fail2ban cronjob to sleep 5 secondsfixed cronjob to create file when missingMerge branch 'fail2ban-ext_srv' into 'main'Added the unban function for fail2ban to work with nftables through a scriptRepositionning of the fail2ban configuration with nftables from wireguard to ext_srv as all servers exposed to the outside should be protected as well. Also minor cosmetic changes and light reordering.nftables fixesfe80 ignored...ext_srv updatefirewall work (ext_srv)base server rulesadded fail2banupdated READMEmore firewall rules from old systemfirst firewall rules (ext_srv)added licenseinitial commitInitial commit