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  • Prometheus_Faster_DNS
  • f2b-prom-2
  • f2b-prom-tested
  • main default protected
  • prometheus-and-friends
  • prometheus-frr-exporter
  • prometheus-frr-exporter2
  • prometheus_txt_dns_integration
8 results
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.020Mar1030Jan13Dec12718Nov4Sep3Jun29May2721131026Apr171211103Feb17Jan21Dec2013121110629Nov272423201619Sep7548Aug23Jun1312May10547Apr27Mar20161413627Feb211531Jan201221Dec15718Nov12Oct10730Sep292130Aug11927Jul252221201918151413121128Jun221030MaySome cleanup and ensuring creation of the targets directory for the scriptmainmainMinor changing in the name of a task that changes the /etc/hosts for the prometheus pairs, need to make it work for others thoughAdapting the code and prometheus config to the latest optimization of the DNS TXT entriesprometheus_txt_…prometheus_txt_dns_integrationPrometheus DNS TXT conversion: Added the script, its systemd service and timer into the roleadded a space (alert)Improved the SRV DNS systemChanged/fixed the Prometheus config for DNS SRV management with the BB expFirst steps towards fixing the Prometheus role changes with more SRV DNSChanges to the Prometheus template for adapting to more DNS usageModifying the prometheus role for BeheritoChanged the DNS SRV entry name to make it consistent with the restAdded the scraping of the custom haproxy exporterEnabling listening for glrunner metrics and adding exporter30day defaultdisabling loud alertsdon't monitor unknown 400smoved host down to warning and lowered the alert time for haproxycleaned up alerts to no longer use eox.at (keeping with nothing that isAdded alerts for gitlab and haproxyAdded sidekiq everywhere for Prometheus exporter and scraping with DNS SRV entryAdded patroni prometheus exporter and scraping through nginx and certs with little trick in the /etc/hostskeep 60 days by defaultAdding the haproxy prometheus exporterfixed rails pathAdding monitoring for gitlabAdded a conditional relabeling of origin for eotdlretention of 90 dayscore alerts are okay as long as the drive has at least 100GB freeset scraping (http2) to one minute againdon't just scrape once per minute...http2 checks once per minuteRemoved the Postfix scraping job as we can't use the Postfix exporter anymorebetter name for icmp alertonly do probe alerts for ICMP (failed)no wireguard network error alerts...only under 30 days (cert expiration)only alert (certificates) < 70 days expirationreverted changesModified the DNS scraping jobs to find their queries in seperate files. First tested on hellsing2 and all seems fine, everything is up in the targets.fixed typo