Something went wrong on our end
Mussab Abdalla authoredMussab Abdalla authored 1.46 KiB
import os
import sys
import pytest
import subprocess
from osgeo import gdal
from swiftclient.service import SwiftService
def set_gdal_swift_auth():
# parsing command line output of swift auth
auth_keys = subprocess.check_output(["swift", "auth"]).decode(sys.stdout.encoding).split("\n")
storage_url = auth_keys[0].split("OS_STORAGE_URL=")[1]
auth_token = auth_keys[1].split("OS_AUTH_TOKEN=")[1]
# setting gdal config
gdal.SetConfigOption("SWIFT_STORAGE_URL", storage_url)
gdal.SetConfigOption("SWIFT_AUTH_TOKEN", auth_token)
def list_tifs(product):
preprocessed_list = []
with SwiftService() as swift:
# auth_options["prefix"] = product[0]
list_parts_gen = swift.list(
container='preprocessor_results', options= {"prefix": product[0]},
for page in list_parts_gen:
if page["success"]:
for item in page["listing"]:
if item["name"].endswith(".tif"):
return preprocessed_list
def test_preprocessor(list_tifs):
# check if there are preprocessed results in the buckets
assert len(list_tifs) > 0
for item in list_tifs:
image = gdal.Open('/vsiswift/preprocessor_results/%s' % item, gdal.GA_ReadOnly)
srcband = image.GetRasterBand(1)
assert srcband.Checksum() != None
assert srcband.Checksum() > 0