Chart for the View Server (VS) bundling all services
All the commands must be ran from the charts folder. Must have `kubectl` and `helm` utilities and one of `k3s` or `minikube` clusters. The following commands also use `yq`, which is `jq`, but for yaml (`python3 -m pip install yq`). The guide also assumes everything runs in the default namespace.
The template command outputs the rendered yaml files for debugging and checking.
## Installing chart locally [DRAFT]
In order to test the services together, here's a way to install the chart locally in your `k3s`/`minicube`. This install is based on the helm values in the eoepca repo and customizes them.
### Prerequisites
When running k3s and minikube in docker, the paths doesn't refer to your machine, but the docker container where k3s runs. The following display how to setup each solution.
Here the full home directory is bound to the cluster at `/minikube-host` in order to bind mounts necessary for development. Also the ingress addon is enabled.
#### k3s
k3s is also started creating with specifying a volume
If you specify multiple values files, helm will merge them together. [You can even delete keys by setting them to `null` in the override file a]( .
A useful override is to set the ingress host e.g. to
You might also want to reduce the number of replicas:
For development, it's useful to mount the code as volume. This cannot just be done via a values override since this customization option is not present in the chart template.
When using k3s & minikube, it's enough to define a volume like this:
where `app` is `k3s` or `minikube` and a `volumeMount` for the container:
For now, these can be added to their respective templates `.yaml` files for development. Make sure not to commit them to the repo and have them only locally changed.
Alternatively, these can be added to the file output of the `helm templates` command and upgraded with the `helm upgrade` command.