@@ -186,6 +186,27 @@ For performance reasons View Server lists only start and end of the time interva
Loading in ArcMap 10
Any of the above described layers can be loaded in ArcMap 10, but inbuilt time support does run into same issues as in the case of QGIS. Custom `TIME` parameter has to be added manually in Layer settings.
To add a WMS/WMTS layer, Click on `Add Layer` symbol. Select Add GIS Server option and follow up with either add WMS or WMTS Server, as can be seen on :numref:`fig_wms_arcgis0`, :numref:`fig_wms_arcgis1`, :numref:`fig_wms_arcgis2`
.. _fig_wms_arcgis0:
.. figure:: images/arcgis_0.*
:alt: ArcMap Add Data Buttton
*ArcMap Add Data Buttton*
.. _fig_wms_arcgis1:
.. figure:: images/arcgis_1.*
:alt: ArcMap Choose GIS Servers
*Choose GIS Servers*
.. _fig_wms_arcgis2:
.. figure:: images/arcgis_2.*
:alt: ArcMap WMS/WMTS loading in ArcMap 2
*WMS/WMTS loading in ArcMap*
Continue reading to learn about the provided :ref:`searching` services.