@@ -22,17 +22,17 @@ The main map view is for visualization and browsing through ingested satellite i
* *panning*: using left click + drag or one finger drag and two finger pinch
* *zooming*: using mouse wheel scroll, double click or plus and minus icons in bottom right corner of a map
While hovering over footprints on the map, the respective product(s) are highlighted in the map, timeslider and the Search Results menu on the right. Same behavior is applied vice versa while hovering dot groups in Timeslider and individual items in Search Results.
While hovering over footprints on the map, the respective product(s) are highlighted in the map, Timeslider and the Search Results menu. Same behavior is applied vice versa while hovering over dot groups in Timeslider and individual items in Search Results.
Clicking on the footprints in the map and then clicking on the *plus* or *minus* button overlays can used to add or remove images to/from selection for the download (see Download below).
In the top most part of the map, there is a colored loading indicator bar spanning the full width of the window, making it easier to understand if loading of all requested map tiles is already finished or still in progress.
In the top most part of the map, there is a colored bar loading indicator spanning full width of the web client, making it easier to see if loading of all requested map tiles is already finished or still in progress.
You can see updated current cursor coordinates as a longitude, latitude pair in the bottom left corner of the map. Web client by default operates on a coordinate reference system EPSG:4326.
You can see current cursor geographical coordinates as longitude, latitude pair in the bottom left corner of the map. Web client by default uses a coordinate reference system EPSG:4326.
There are two side panels: the left menu for layer selection, filters and right menu for listing available data entries, adding them to download selection and later downloading.
There are two side panels: left menu for layer selection and applying filters and right menu for listing available products and downloading them.
You can also easily view current map layer view without any web client UI elements by clicking on the *landscape map* icon in the bottom right of the map window. It then opens a list of available layers. Selecting one of them opens a new browser tab leading to a created *WMS* request copying current map parameters (zoom, bounding box, selected time, styling etc).
You can also see current layer without any extra UI elements by clicking on the *landscape map* icon in the bottom right of the map window. It opens a list of available layers. Clicking on one opens a new browser tab with a created *WMS* request copying current map parameters (zoom, bounding box, selected time, styling etc).
.. figure:: images/webclient_tutorial_02_map.*
:alt: Web Client Tutorial - Map
@@ -42,16 +42,16 @@ You can also easily view current map layer view without any web client UI elemen
Timeslider presents the distribution and number of datasets in time via *bar* graph or *aggregated dots* graph. Visualization mode used (*bars* or *dots*) is based on current total number of products for given time frame. You can use Timeslider tool in following ways:
Timeslider presents the distribution of datasets in time via *bar* graph or *aggregated dots* graph. Visualization mode used (*bars* or *dots*) is based on current total number of products for given time frame. You can use Timeslider tool in following ways:
* panning: on the bottom area (left click + drag) or left and right arrow icons on sides
* zooming: mouse wheel scroll or two finger pinch or plus and minus icons in the middle
* reloading: click on spinner icon in the middle
* selecting a time interval: in the upper area left click + drag or one finger drag or click on histogram bucket
* showing total number of available products in histogram bucket: hover over histogram bucket
* showing fooprints of all products, first product id and total number of additional products in a dot group: hover over dot group
* showing footprints of all products, first product id and total number of additional products in a dot group: hover over a dot group
* showing start and end of current selection: left click + hold on selection rectangle
* zooming a map to a combined bounding box of all products in a dot group: click on dot group
* zooming a map to a combined minimum bounding box of all products in a dot group: click on dot group
@@ -60,19 +60,19 @@ Timeslider presents the distribution and number of datasets in time via *bar* gr
Search Results
Right part of the map window contains a panel with *Search results* for each enabled layer based on current area, time and additional filters. Items in the panel are sorted based on order in which the catalog returned them (by default from the oldest to the newest images).
Right part of the map window contains a panel with *Search Results* for each enabled layer based on current area, time and additional filters. Items in the panel are sorted based on order in which the catalog returns them (by default from the oldest to the newest).
Searching can be enabled and disabled for each displayed layer individually by clicking on the large button *X layers selected to show n/n* and clicking on corresponding layer entry.
Search can be enabled and disabled for each displayed layer individually by clicking on the large button *X layers selected to show n/n* and clicking on corresponding layer entry or by clicking on the *Search* toggle if only Single Layer is configured.
You can inspect detail metadata and alternative visualization of individual images by hovering over an item and hitting *info* icon. That opens a new overlay panel with *details display*. (see Details Display below)
You can inspect metadata and alternative visualization of individual images by hovering over an item and hitting *info* icon. That opens a new overlay panel with *details display*. (see Details Display below)
By clicking on individual images, you can insert or remove selected items from list for download.
By clicking on individual images, you can insert or remove them from selection for download.
Catalog search from the web client is scaled for performance and only a limited number of items is returned from the first search. In order to query for more items if available, click on *Load n more* button. *Select all* button adds all currently viewed items to the collection of selected for download.
Catalog search from the web client is scaled for performance and only a limited number of items is returned from the first search. In order to query for more items if available, click on *Load n more* button. *Select all* button adds all currently listed items to the collection of selected for download.
Clicking on the *link* button next to layer name in the search result tab, it is possible to save the search query. To download the XML file click with the right mouse button on the link and then *Save Link As...*.
Clicking on the *link* button next to the layer name, it is possible to save the search query results. To download the respective XML file click with the right mouse button on the link and then *Save Link As...*.
Items selected for download can be viewed in the *Basket* tab of the right panel. In order to remove them from the list, you can hover on them and click on the *minus* icon.
Items selected for download can be viewed in the *Basket* tab or *Selected* button (Single Layer mode) on the right panel. In order to remove them from the selection, you can hover on them and click on the *minus* icon.
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ There are several possibilities to filter queried satellite data in the *Filters
2. Temporal query with Timeslider tool: Enter Start and End date of your search interval. More information provided in Timeslider section of documentation.
3. You can apply additional filters for each layer based on available metadata under "Additional filters" as configured by the operator. Currently "cloud coverage percentage" filter is set up.
3. You can apply additional filters for each layer based on available metadata under "Additional filters" as configured by the operator. Currently "Cloud Coverage" filter is set up.
*Layers* panel on left side enables setting the *Overlay*, *Layer* and *Base Layer* groups currently visualized.
*Base Layer* and *Overlay* groups enable choosing the background, text labels and other footprints to be viewed on the map window for easier orientation.
*Base Layer* and *Overlay* groups enable choosing the background, text labels and other footprints to be viewed on the map window for easier orientation.
*Layer* group presents selected data sets and its products or products levels (e.g. VHR Image 2018 Level 1).
You can change the order of the layers by dragging the arrows corresponding to each layer up and down. This influences the order of rendering on the map and order of representation of datasets in Timeslider.
You can change the order of the layers by dragging the arrows corresponding to each layer up and down. This influences the order of rendering on the map and order of representation of layers in Timeslider.
Individual layers can be fully disabled and enabled by the *eye* icon next to its name.
Changing the visualization (styling) of layers can be adapted by clicking on the *paint brush* icon next to the layer name. An afterwards displayed popup window enables setting the opacity and one of pre-configured styles for the layer.
Changing the visualization (styling) of layers can be done by clicking on the *paint brush* icon next to the layer name. An afterwards displayed popup window enables setting the opacity and one of pre-configured styles for the layer.
In order to view details display panel for a single selected product, either click on the *info* (i) icon after clicking on the product footprint on the map or product entry in Search Results panel.
FULL coverage layer overlays
Newly opened overlay displays a map window with a set visualization and linked metadata. It also contains links to several product related OGC compliant services requests (WMS, WCS etc). More information can be found in *sample-requests* usage-guide chapter.
Three options
Visualization (opacity and style) for this map window can be changed after clicking on the *Visualization* button in top left corner.
Product can be added to selection for download by enabling the respective checkbox in the bottom right of the panel.
Details Display
In order to view details display panel for a single selected product, either click on the *info* (i) icon after clicking on the product footprint on the map or product entry in Search Results panel.
.. figure:: images/webclient_details_display.*
:alt: Web Client Details Display panel
*Web Client Details Display*
Several methods of downloading products or only parts of them are made possible by the web client.
Newly opened overlay displays a map window with a set visualization and linked metadata. It also contains url links to several product related OGC compliant services requests (WMS, WCS etc). More information can be found in *sample-requests* chapter.
After selecting one or more products for download, you can view a full list of them on the right panel, either on *Search Results* tab via *Selected* button if only one layer is pre-configured or on *Basket* tab if more layers were configured for display.
Visualization (opacity and style) can be changed after clicking on the *Visualization* button in top left corner.
In order to download a full product (image and linked metadata file) or a full coverage (just the image), view Details Display of that product using the *info* icon and click on a respective *Download Package* or *WCS: GetCoverage* links on the left side of newly shown overlay. These lead to default *Get Product* or *Get Coverage* WCS requests for that specific product and shall start respective downloads.
.. _fig_webclient:
.. figure:: images/webclient_start.*
:alt: Screenshot of View Server built-in Web Client
In order to download more than one product in parallel, after selecting several products for download, you can click on *Download* or *Download as* buttons on the right panel of the web client.
*View Server built-in Web Client*
- *Download as* currently offers a *Download as URL-List* option which downloads a *.txt* file with a list of download links (*Get Coverage* requests) and *Download as Metalink* allowing for possibly increased speed via segment downloading by metalink-aware software.
:numref:`fig_webclient` above shows the basic interface
- *Download* option opens a new popup panel allowing to select additional parameters (resolution, format, scaling or subsetting) of resulting images. If multiple products are to be downloaded, selected options are applied for all of them. In order to confirm selected options and attempt to start download, click on *Download* button. Note, the browser might open multiple confirmation dialogs or issue a warning. Besides, modern browsers have a limit of 6 concurrent connections. If popups are blocked by your browser, please enable them for this site.