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Split collections prism with migrated client

  • Includes changes from !60 (closed) and on top:
  • Creating new collection configurations: sace_emg csea_emg frtx_emg demF and their respective compose files
  • follows work on pvs_starter in bringing templates up to date - EMG + VHR18 configurations can be created out of the box (except for fullresolution cache in vhr18, but that is non-standard), DEM mapcache & registrar need to be still copied from current config and renamed accordingly because of customizations
  • moves env/*.env to config//*.env
  • shibboleth access rules templating - uses just 2 env vars in shibauth
  • update of client configs containing polygon labels
  • do not stretch thumbnail only into width
Edited by Lubomir Dolezal

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