Welcome to our vagrant based build system for RPMs.
If you need assistence you can (almost) always reach us on IRC, channel #eox
(Currently) Supported Projects
Currently we automagically install the build dependencies for the following projects. For an up-to-date list (in case somebody forgot to add his project to thos list, see puppet/modules).
- eox-release (which doesn't have any, so it's easy)
- mapserver
- rasdaman
- eoxserver
- mapserver
- mapcache
- gdal-shibboleth
- ngeo-b
If your software mentions all build dependencies in its SPEC file, you don't need to create a new puppet module.
Vagrant Installation
Previously you could install vagrant via rubygems (e.g. using bundler), but since 1.1.x this method is deprecated, so please go to and download the latest package for your operating system. On Debian / Ubuntu run the f.ex. following command.
gem uninstall vagrant
sudo dpkg -i vagrant_x86_64.deb
Install a vagrant plugin to keep the virtualbox guest additions up-to-date, as well as one for keeping a package cache.
vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
vagrant plugin install vagrant-cachier
To start building
Clone this project!
git clone ./
Edit the Vagrantfile and update the project (see the beginning of Vagrantfile)
Copy your source archive into the build/SOURCES folder, your spec file into the build/SPECS folder, start the VM and open a SSH connection
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
Change to the rpmbuild folder and start building
cd rpmbuild
yum-builddep SPECS/project.spec
rpmdev-bumpspec --comment="<COMMENT>" --userstring="<NAME> <<MAIL>>" SPECS/project.spec
rpmbuild -ba SPECS/project.spec
Wait... On your own machine, you can now find your RPMs in the build/RPMS and build/SRPMS folders. Done!
How to add a new project
- Find out, what the projects build dependencies are
- Create a new puppet module inside the puppet/modules directory. (See the rasdaman module for an example)
- Update the and add the new project
- Create a merge request
If you are not sure, you can also email the build dependencies to and I'll do it for you!