* Edit the _Vagrantfile_ and update the project (see the beginning of [Vagrantfile](/vagrant/builder_rpm/tree/master/Vagrantfile))
* Copy your source archive into the _build/SOURCES_ folder
* Copy your spec file into the _build/SPECS_ folder
* Start the VM
vagrant up
* Open a SSH connection
vagrant ssh
* Change to the rpmbuild folder
* Build your RPMs
rpmbuild -ba SPECS/project.spec
* Wait ...
* On your own machine, you can now find your RPMs in the _build/RPMS_ and _build/SRPMS_ folders
* Done!
## How to add a new project
* Find out, what the projects build dependencies are
* Create a new puppet module inside the _puppet/modules_ directory. (See the [rasdaman module](/vagrant/builder_rpm/tree/master/puppet/modules/rasdaman) for an example)
* Create a merge request
# Builder-RPM
Welcome to our [vagrant](http://www.vagrantup.com) based build system for RPMs.
## (Currently) Supported Projects
Currently we _automagically_ install the build dependencies for the following projects:
* eox-release (which doesn't have any, so it's easy)
* mapserver
* rasdaman
## To start building
* Install vagrant, see http://docs.vagrantup.com/v1/docs/getting-started/index.html for more information.
* Edit the _Vagrantfile_ and update the project (see the beginning of [Vagrantfile](/vagrant/builder_rpm/tree/master/Vagrantfile))
* Copy your source archive into the _build/SOURCES_ folder
* Copy your spec file into the _build/SPECS_ folder
* Start the VM
vagrant up
* Open a SSH connection
vagrant ssh
* Change to the rpmbuild folder
* Build your RPMs
rpmbuild -ba SPECS/project.spec
* Wait ...
* On your own machine, you can now find your RPMs in the _build/RPMS_ and _build/SRPMS_ folders
* Done!
## How to add a new project
* Find out, what the projects build dependencies are
* Create a new puppet module inside the _puppet/modules_ directory. (See the [rasdaman module](/vagrant/builder_rpm/tree/master/puppet/modules/rasdaman) for an example)
* Create a merge request
If you are not sure, you can also email the build dependencies to marko.locher@eox.at and I'll do it for you!